Students working on classroom community by greeting a class mate with a handshake, high five or hug:) |
Students listening to the song "the Power of Yet" and dancing:) Google the song and you will see why! |
BOOK IT, our awesome summer reading program, is winding down. This year there are no paper forms so be sure to submit your child's online Participation Form by Monday, September 15th!
PARTY!: On Friday, September 29, we will reward your child's reading success at our BOOK IT Celebration. Participation Forms must be submitted online by Sept 11 to ensure your child gets a T-shirt and is eligible to win great prizes.
NEW TO WCE?: It's not too late to participate! Simply go to the BOOK IT Site for additional information.
FUNDRAISING: While donations are not required, BOOK IT to the CREEK is one of the school's main fundraisers - help us ensure ongoing excellence at WCE! Donate online or download a Donation Form (for cash and checks) at
QUESTIONS?: Visit our BOOK IT site for program and prize details
2. Fall Field Day | Date Change to OCT 6
Fall Field Day has been moved to October 6, and will coincide with the CREEK Kid Assemblies also scheduled for that day. While the primary grades enjoy field day, the intermediate grades will have their CREEK Kid Assembly, and vice versa. Please see the school calendar for timing. More details about Field Day will follow in upcoming newsletters.
3. Please check the homework tab for information on weekly homework details:)
4. Thank you to all parents who sent in materials for the Science experiments! They were all much appreciated:)
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. B. or Ms. Hernandez! Thanks so much!
Your Child's Teachers,
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez
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