Classroom Update for week of September 11, 2017

Hello Fabulous 1st Grade Parents...

Week 3 has been a busy one! Students are able to be confident in their learning by knowing the rituals and routines and being a caring community member:) It's been a joy for us, as teachers, to watch them be proud of themselves when they overcome an obstacle, help a friend or when having a growth mindset!

Here are some important dates and reminders for the upcoming week and more...

Ms. Hernandez: Music
Mrs. B. : Drama

Note: Gym days stay the same throughout the school year.

BOOK IT, our awesome summer reading program, is winding down. This year there are no paper forms so be sure to submit your child’s online Participation Form by Monday, September 11
PARTY!: On Friday, September 29, we will reward your child’s reading success at our BOOK IT Celebration. Participation Forms must be submitted online by Sept 11 to ensure your child gets a T-shirt and is eligible to win great prizes. 
NEW TO WCE?:  It’s not too late to participate! Simply go to the BOOK IT Site for additional information.
FUNDRAISING: While donations are not required, BOOK IT to the CREEK is one of the school’s main fundraisers - help us ensure ongoing excellence at WCE! Donate online or download a Donation Form (for cash and checks) at
QUESTIONS?: Visit our BOOK IT site for program and prize details! 
iReady: Students can start to use the iReady website at home. Ms. Hernandez and I have stapled their login information into their orange Thursday folders for reference. Learning A to Z will be ready for students to use next week. An information flyer will be sent home in your child's Thursday folder next week.
* Field Trip: We will be having our first field trip on October 20th to the Center for Performing Arts. Teachers will send an email for volunteers:)
* Picture Day: September 12th for individual pictures only. Forms were sent home. If you did not receive a form, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher to get another one.
* Please visit the CREEK kid tab to see who was chosen for showing a growth mindset!!
As always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. It's a pleasure to spend our days with your children!
With Gratitude,
Mrs. B & Ms. Hernandez


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