Classroom Update for the Week of November 13th

Hello! It's a busy time of the year! Students have been learning all about showing GRATITUDE (our new PSF). Students are sharing stories about showing gratitude at home and at school. Students have been discussing the importance of being thankful for what they have and not focusing on what they don't have; ask your child about the "thankful rock". :)

Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL the week of November 20th for Thanksgiving break.

Reminder: Please send in $5 for the "In-House Field Trip" from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science by tomorrow Friday the 10th. Thanks!!

November 6-10th: Book Fair

Hours-   Monday-Thursday: 8am-9:30 & 3:30-5:30pm 
Friday: 8am-10am, 11-11:30 & 3:30-5pm

November 10th: Creek Kid Assembly for October honorees 10:00-10:25

November 10th: Thanksgiving Luncheon

Even if you aren't eating the Thanksgiving lunch, you are more than welcome to join your kiddo for lunch!

      Lunch times                          Recess times 
   Kinder    11:00 -11:30            Kinder   11:30 - 11:55
   First        11:30 -12:00            First       12:00 - 12:25
 Second   12:00 -12:30          Second  12:30 - 12:55
Fifth        12:30 - 1:00            Fifth       1:00 - 1:25 
   ECE          12:45 -1:15              ECE        1:30 - 1:50    
Third        1:00 -1:30              Third       1:30 - 1:50
Fourth     1:30 - 2:00             Fourth    2:00 - 2:25

WCE turkey Trot!!

This year we are taking our Turkey Trot off campus! We need adult volunteers to be stationed along the route to guide students along the way. We will also be serving hot chocolate and hot cider and need 3 large electric hot water urns to keep the liquids warm. Please follow this link to volunteer! The Turkey Trot is on Friday, November 17th from 2:30-3:30. Thanks so much!!

Please reach out if you have any questions! Have a wonderful weekend!

With Gratitude,
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez


Classroom Update for the Week of October 19-25

Hello Families!

Here are a few things you need to know. 
Tomorrow is our field trip to see the performance The Snowy Day at the DCPA. We will be out of the building from 10:30 until about 2:00. Because the performance cuts right through our lunch time and there is no place for us to lunch there, the kids will eat a little bit before the the field trip and then they will finish upon their return. 
Please make sure to send a hearty lunch, snack, and drink. If you requested a lunch from the lunchroom, indicated on the permission slip, those kiddos will pick up their lunch in the morning. 
Kids should not bring anything extra on the field trip such as hats, sunglasses, toys, and whatnot. 

Thursday folders went home today. Folders should be kept at home until the following Thursday. Please keep in mind that we do grade on turning in homework/completing assignments in a timely manner on report cards. We do our best to remind kids to turn them in on Thursday morning before they enter the class and again when they are unpacking, but if a child forgets we will not go into individual backpacks to get folders/homework. 

Conferences are coming up! Click on the link to sign up for a time to meet with your child's teachers. Conferences are scheduled Wednesday, November 1 and Friday, November 3. Time slots are every 15 minutes. As much as we love to chat about your kiddo, we must adhere to this timeframe in order to meet with all families. If the conference seems as though we may need more time, we will reschedule for another day. This is for parents only--no students or siblings, please!

Conference Signup

Halloween is just around the corner and we love to celebrate at WCE! The parade will begin at 2:30 and parties will begin after. Kids need to bring their costumes to school. They must be able to walk in them and see where they are going safely if they have a mask. Violent and overly scary costumes will not be permitted. More information will be posted next week.

Dates to remember:
Picture Retakes--October 24
No School--October 26-27
Halloween Parade and Party--October 31 2:30 PM
Conferences--November 1st and 3rd
No School--November 3

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty

Classroom Updates for week of October 16th

Hello! Here are all of the important things to know...

1. Field Trip: Our first field trip is this Friday October 20th to the Performing Arts Complex. If you have not sent in the permission slip and $10... PLEASE do so by Wednesday October 18th. The money must be turned in before Friday. A separate email will be sent this week with the field trip details. Thank you!

2. Fall Conferences: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty will be holding conferences on Friday, November 3rd. We will be sending a Slyreply to sign up this week.

3. Halloween: Please watch your email for a Slyreply link to sign up for snacks/volunteering options for the class parties. We will update the blog with specific times for the parade and parties when we know that information.

4. Specials: Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's homeroom continues with Technology with Gym on Thursday.
                    Ms. Hernandez's homeroom continues with Drama with Gym on Friday.

5. NO SCHOOL on October 26th and 27th (Teacher Planning Days)

6. Please check the content tabs (Math, Reading, Writing and Social Studies) for further updates.

Have a wonderful week and please reach out with any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Field Day, October 6, 2017

We had a great time on Field Day and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!

Classroom Update for October 5-11

Hello Families!
Here are a few things you need to know. 

Permission slips went home for our upcoming field trip to see The Snowy Day at the DCPA on October 20th. Please make sure all permission slips and money are turned in by the 18th. If your child needs a lunch from the cafeteria then we need that slip even sooner. 
Chaperone spots are limited so we will take names and then draw chaperones from there. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on November 3rd. We will be creating a sign-up in the next week or so for you to reserve a spot. Please keep in mind with over 50 families we have to meet with, our time is limited to 15 minutes per conference. If there are other matters that take it over that time, we will schedule another meeting at a later date. 

Many, many thanks to those who have sent in your donations to our Food Drive. So many families benefit greatly from your generosity!

Love Your Library Day | OCT. 22The WCE Library needs some love and we need parent volunteers to assist (sorry, no kiddos at this event)!  Sign up here to help out!

Join us from 1-5 PM on Sunday, Oct. 22  for 

  • Food
  • Book Organizing
  • Music 
  • Reshelving
  • Cleaning 
  • Beautifying

We can't thank you enough for dropping off and picking up your kiddos on the blacktop! This alleviates so much congestion in our hallways and, often, we are teaching up to the bell. So, THANK YOU!

We will be posting Field Day pictures later this evening. Hope to see you there!

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty

Classroom Update for the Week of Thursday September 28-October 4

Hello Families!

It's hard to believe it's already fall and with that the weather has changed dramatically. Please make sure your kiddo comes to school each day prepared for our crazy weather. Here are just a few things to keep you all updated.

This Friday, September 29th is our Book It to the Creek assembly. The whole school will share in this amazing celebration of reading and fundraising. We can't wait!

FIELD DAY! Yes, Field Day in the fall. What better way to build strong classroom and peer relationships than cheering on our fellow classmates in some great outdoor fun! Primary grades will have their events in the morning and then the Creek Kid assembly honoring August/September Creek Kids will be held in the afternoon. It will be an action-packed day.
Please note that the deadline for submitting your child's lunch preference of hot dog/chips or bringing lunch from home has passed. Any families that didn't respond will need to make sure your child brings a lunch from home that day.
If you would like to volunteer, please click on the link.
Field Day Volunteer Sign Up

Readers Workshop--Guided reading groups are up and running this week. In order to meet the needs of all students and create targeted lesson for the kids, we will be creating reading groups that are mixed within both literacy classrooms (Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Walker). This means that some of your kiddos will be receiving Guided Reading instruction from Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Burroughs (our Literacy Para). The 2nd grade literacy teachers group their students this way and found that their students grew greatly in their reading and writing skills. We are excited to see our kids' growth!

Field Trip--Our first field trip of the year is coming up on October 20th. More information will be coming home soon regarding specifics on time, place, cost, and any chaperones--if needed.

**Important--any student whose behavior clip is on RED three or more times between Thursday, September 27-Thursday, October 19th will not be allowed on the field trip, no exceptions. Please keep in mind that field trips are are an earned privilege and not a requirement. If your child's clip is on RED, we will be contacting you so you are aware. Thanks for your support and understanding.

OCTOBER COUNT WINDOW:  September 25 - October 9
It is VERY important that your child is present and on time for school...especially during this window.  This directly impacts our school funding! Please contact your child's homeroom teacher if your child will be absent during this time. Thank you!

Classroom Update for the week of September 18th

Hello! Here are the important dates and information coming up! Please check the content tabs to find out what's going on in Math, Reading, Writing and Science!

Students working on classroom community by greeting a class mate with a handshake, high five or hug:)

Students listening to the song "the Power of Yet" and dancing:) Google the song and you will see why!

BOOK IT, our awesome summer reading program, is winding down. This year there are no paper forms so be sure to submit your child's online Participation Form by Monday, September 15th! 
PARTY!: On Friday, September 29, we will reward your child's reading success at our BOOK IT Celebration. Participation Forms must be submitted online by Sept 11 to ensure your child gets a T-shirt and is eligible to win great prizes. 
NEW TO WCE?:  It's not too late to participate! Simply go to the BOOK IT Site for additional information.
FUNDRAISING: While donations are not required, BOOK IT to the CREEK is one of the school's main fundraisers - help us ensure ongoing excellence at WCE! Donate online or download a Donation Form (for cash and checks) at
QUESTIONS?: Visit our BOOK IT site for program and prize details
2. Fall Field Day | Date Change to OCT 6 
 Fall Field Day has been moved to October 6, and will coincide with the CREEK Kid Assemblies also scheduled for that day.  While the primary grades enjoy field day, the intermediate grades will have their CREEK Kid Assembly, and vice versa.  Please see the school calendar for timing. More details about Field Day will follow in upcoming newsletters.
3. Please check the homework tab for information on weekly homework details:)
4. Thank you to all parents who sent in materials for the Science experiments! They were all much appreciated:)
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. B. or Ms. Hernandez! Thanks so much!
Your Child's Teachers,
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Classroom Update for week of September 11, 2017

Hello Fabulous 1st Grade Parents...

Week 3 has been a busy one! Students are able to be confident in their learning by knowing the rituals and routines and being a caring community member:) It's been a joy for us, as teachers, to watch them be proud of themselves when they overcome an obstacle, help a friend or when having a growth mindset!

Here are some important dates and reminders for the upcoming week and more...

Ms. Hernandez: Music
Mrs. B. : Drama

Note: Gym days stay the same throughout the school year.

BOOK IT, our awesome summer reading program, is winding down. This year there are no paper forms so be sure to submit your child’s online Participation Form by Monday, September 11
PARTY!: On Friday, September 29, we will reward your child’s reading success at our BOOK IT Celebration. Participation Forms must be submitted online by Sept 11 to ensure your child gets a T-shirt and is eligible to win great prizes. 
NEW TO WCE?:  It’s not too late to participate! Simply go to the BOOK IT Site for additional information.
FUNDRAISING: While donations are not required, BOOK IT to the CREEK is one of the school’s main fundraisers - help us ensure ongoing excellence at WCE! Donate online or download a Donation Form (for cash and checks) at
QUESTIONS?: Visit our BOOK IT site for program and prize details! 
iReady: Students can start to use the iReady website at home. Ms. Hernandez and I have stapled their login information into their orange Thursday folders for reference. Learning A to Z will be ready for students to use next week. An information flyer will be sent home in your child's Thursday folder next week.
* Field Trip: We will be having our first field trip on October 20th to the Center for Performing Arts. Teachers will send an email for volunteers:)
* Picture Day: September 12th for individual pictures only. Forms were sent home. If you did not receive a form, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher to get another one.
* Please visit the CREEK kid tab to see who was chosen for showing a growth mindset!!
As always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. It's a pleasure to spend our days with your children!
With Gratitude,
Mrs. B & Ms. Hernandez

Hello Families!

We are so happy to welcome all of you to our classroom blog. On here you will find tons (ok, maybe not TONS, but a lot) of information on classroom happenings, important classroom updates, school information, and classroom content information. While we try to update our blog weekly, as the school year progresses, some tabs might not be updated as frequently depending on the content being taught.

We made it through the first week of school and the solar eclipse! The kids did great and had a fun time learning all about it while experiencing it firsthand.

What a busy week it was getting to know your kiddos and teaching them the rituals and routines of first grade. We must say they have come in well-prepared from kindergarten, and we can't wait to get started on small group instruction.  

Some important things to remember, we begin every morning in our homerooms with a morning meeting and greeting each other. Not only does this help us to learn who our classmates are, it helps us establish a caring community of learners by talking about our Personal Success Factors (PSF), what we can do as learners to overcome obstacles, and just talking with one another before our busy day begins. 

At the end of the day, your child should know what they do as far as after school pickup goes. If your child is picked up out on the blacktop, they MUST give their homeroom teacher a fist bump before running off. This is for your child's safety! Please remind them to do this and do not walk off until this connection happens. 

This month's PSF is Growth Mindset. If you aren't familiar with what Growth Mindset is, ask your children. They can tell you all about it! You can also click the link at the top of our blog under Character Education to find out more. 

Some important reminders:

*Back to School Night--Wednesday, August 31st at 6 and 7PM. This will be held in room 111
*Picture Day--September 12th (individual pictures only)
*Labor Day--September 4th No School
*Every Friday--Spirit Day, Wear your WCE spirit wear!

Ms. Hernandez's Homeroom--Tennis shoes needed EVERY Friday for P.E.

Mrs. B's Homeroom--Tennis shoes needed EVERY Thursday for P.E.

That just about covers it. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us! Also, bear with us as we continue to update content tabs. 

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. B
A few updates for the week of May 8-12:

A message from Ms. Katie--

Hey WCE community, 

Field Day 2017 is coming up very soon on Friday, May 19th. Field day session in the afternoon from 1:30-3:30. We will need volunteers to help serve lunch mid- day, AND we need volunteers that can bring a shade tent for the day. The morning session for k-2 students will be run by our very own 5th grade students. 

Thanks so much and please let me know if I can answer any questions you have!

Ms. Katie

Also, our field trip to the zoo is coming up on Monday! Please make sure your child packs a lunch, drink (NO SODA), and a healthy snack in their backpack along with a light jacket and hat. They will be responsible for carrying their backpacks. Students must be at school on time as we will leave promptly at 9:10. Please apply sunscreen before your child comes to school. Thanks!

The school spelling bee is next Friday at 12:40 in the gym. Students who made it into the Spelling Bee are:

Hernandez Homeroom--                                              
Piper Rabinowitz
Henry Lindner
Elizabeth Olson
Sophia Falcone

Bryan-Doherty Homeroom--
Varenna Day
Ella Atwood
Easton Koscove
Carys O'Hara

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

Monday, May 15-Last Day to turn in school library books
Friday, May 19 - Field Day (more information to come)
Tentative:  (Thursday, May 25, 4-7 - 1st grade Open House/student-led conferences)
Friday, May 26 - Final Creek Kid Assembly (for April & May Creek Kids)
Friday, May 26 @ 3:15 - Summer Birthdays Celebration
Monday, May 29 - NO SCHOOL for Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31 (all day) - 1st Grade Picnic at Central Park
Friday, June 2 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (dismissal at 12:45)

Finally, it was great to see so many of you at the auction last weekend. The turnout was incredible and we can't thank you enough for your generous donations!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Classroom Update for the week of April 24th...

Dear Families,
Well, here we go:) The end of the school year is a busy time!  We will do our best to keep you up to speed on all of the important dates so nothing is a surprise. Below are the important dates/events that are coming up...these can be subject to change, so please check back to the blog regularly!
Saturday, April 28 - Westerly Creek Auction
Monday, May 8 - Denver Zoo Field Trip
Friday, May 12 - Spelling Bee (not all students participate-see note below)
​Friday, May 19 - Field Day (more information to come)
Tentative:  (Thursday, May 25, 4-7 - 1st grade Open House/student-led conferences)
Friday, May 26 - Final Creek Kid Assembly (for April & May Creek Kids)
Friday, May 26 @ 3:15 - Summer Birthdays Celebration
Monday, May 29 - NO SCHOOL for Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31 (all day) - 1st Grade Picnic at Central Park
Friday, June 2 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (dismissal at 12:45)

Spelling Bee:
Each homeroom class participated in "try outs."  The 4 finalists from each class will participate in the 1st grade WCE Spelling Bee on May 12. The start time of the Spelling Bee is TBD and we will let y'all know!

CLEVER/iReady...for fantastic online practice:  
Follow the instructions below and the program will assign your child "just right" kid-friendly math and reading lessons based on their recent diagnostics test. This is such a wonderful resource Westerly Creek is providing! As always, please let us know if you have any questions.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Log In"
  3. Click "Student"
  4. User ID: your child's student ID number (same as lunch number)
  5. Password: your child's birth date. If your child has a Jan-Sept birthday you will need to put a "zero" at the front of their birth date. Example, January 13, 2009 would be entered at 01132009
Thank you all for your continued support at home!!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Classroom News for the week of April 9th...

Hello Wonderful 1st Grade Parents!

We hope you all had a fantastic Spring Break! Your child's teachers were able to get some rest and relaxation and prepare for the last part of the school year. We will continue to do our best to keep you up to date, via the blog and email, with everything you need to know. The end of the year can be very action packed and please reach out to use if you are unclear about anything!

Here is all you need to know for next week...

* Specials stay the same next week.

* Auction Tickets!
    • Date: April 29, 2017
    • Place: The Hangar at Stanley Marketplace
    • Early bird tickets ($40/person) are now on sale for the SOAR Soiree and Auction. Purchase yours today here. Buy now and look forward to a date night this spring! The SOAR Soiree will be a first-class evening with friends, heavy appetizers, complimentary beverages and a wide variety of exciting auction items.
* New PSF (Personal Success Factor for the month of April is GRIT!!  Students have been reflecting on how they show grit in the classroom and other areas of life:)

* Field Trip: We will be going to the Denver Zoo on May 8th from 9-2. We will need as many chaperones as possible. The smaller the groups...the better:) There will be a permission slip coming home in your child's Thursday folder today. Please fill it out and return with $6.00 by April 28th. We will be sending a separate email regarding chaperone sign ups.

* NO CREE KID ASSEMBLY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. Kiddos that were March CREEK kids will be honored at the May assembly. This is due to testing. Thank you!

* Parent Engagement Night| April 20th| 6:00-6:45 | Library

A representative from Young Americans Bank will talk with the WCE community about financial responsibility, budgeting, saving, and more.  Young Americans Bank will also share some of the programs, opportunities, and products that they offer children.  The program is geared towards K-5 children so they are encouraged to attend along with a parent/guardian. Pizza & Childcare will be provided.
* A note from MS. Corcoran....
Dear Westerly Creek Families,

Recently our team of teachers that include our School Leadership Team began the important work of aligning our school-wide systems to address negative behavior.  An outcome of our conversations was, updated and aligned refocus forms for grades ECE, K-2, and 3-5. 
As part of our process to address behavior, all Westerly Creek teachers and staff members use evidence-based best practice to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To support students’ ability to maintain focus, we do the following when teaching academics and behavior:
    •      Consistently teach and refer to our school-wide expectations and personal success factors.
    •      Provide students with more praise than correction.
    •      Talk to students with respect using positive tone of voice.
    •      Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.
    •      Use prompting, redirecting, and positive reinforcement.
    •      Provide positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.
WCE also follows a school-wide system for consequences outlined below:
  • Disruptive Rule Break #1=Documented Warning
  • Disruptive Rule Break #2=Documented Warning
  • Disruptive Rule Break #3= 1st Refocus Form
When 1st refocus form is given, student and student families discuss course of action to fix behavior.
  • Disruptive Rule Break #4=2nd Refocus Form
  • Disruptive Rule Break #5=3rd Refocus Form
  • Disruptive Rule Break #6= Formal Meeting with student, family, teacher and admin.
If you have questions about WCE’s Positive Behavior Support System, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or administrator. We look forward to a wonderful year of teaching your child and developing a strong relationship with families.
Warm Regards,
Jill Corcoran, Principal
Westerly Creek Elementary School
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. Thank you!
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and  Ms. Hernandez