What's Up for Next Week...

What a fantastic week 3 we have had with your children! We are so impressed with their ability to increase their stamina to work independently, organize their materials, and respecting their classroom and each other. Morning meetings have been a time to get to know one another and celebrate our classroom communities:) We hope that your child/children are exercising their knowledge of the growth mindset at home and teaching you how we can ALL train our brains:)

Important information for next week:

* Specials change on Monday: Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's class will switch to Drama with P.E. still on Thursdays and Ms. Hernandez's class will switch to Music with P.E. still on Fridays.

* Picture Day is SEPTEMBER 13th! If you have not returned a form, please email your child's homeroom teacher and we can send another one home.

* All About Me bag: If your child has not returned their bag to school to share with their classmates, there is still time. We will be accepting bags until next Friday:)

* Book it to the CREEK: Keep reading!! The wrap-up celebration is September 30th. More information to come!

*If you would like to watch some fun videos on Growth Mindset... check out the following website https://ideas.classdojo.com/i/growth-mindset-1

Please check the Reading, Writing, Math and Science tabs for more content information.

Have a great weekend! Please contact us if you have any questions!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez


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