Classroom Update September 1-8


What a pleasure it was to see so many of you at Back to School Night last night. If you were unable to attend just know you can find all pertinent classroom information here on our blog. 

Please check your child's backpack for their Thursday folder and homework we talked about last night. Your child needs to write his or her own name on the homework calendar and then you can help keep track of the minutes they read. Folders and homework return next Thursday with your child.

Remember, 20+ minutes of reading each day and that includes any and all environmental print, you reading to your child, your child reading to you, siblings reading to your child, your child reading to the family dog--you get the idea. We just want them to read, read, read and enjoy reading! 

**No school on Monday--enjoy the extra time with your kiddos!

Have a great weekend,

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. B


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