What's up for the week of October 3rd...

Hello! What a busy week we have had! Ms. Hernandez and I were talking today after school about how amazed we are at the ability levels of students. We are only 28 days into the school year and, we as teachers, are consistently seeing many students working independently challenging themselves and setting goals for themselves. The focus on growth mindset is seen throughout so many areas of the day, as well. For instance while, creating the "addition strategies" chart below, students were insistent that the word "yet" was included after the disadvantage statement. A strong growth mindset really impacts your child's learning at school and at home:)

Some important information...

*The Book it to the CREEK celebration is this Friday! Here are the times that 1st graders will be celebrating...
  • Book it to the CREEK celebration (gym)........9:20-10:15
  • Book it to the CREEK party (playground)...... 10:55-11:35
  • Lunch for 1st grade ..........................11:35-12:00
*Classes will switch to their new special this Friday; 1st grade doesn't have specials Friday because of Book it to the CREEK. New specials as of Monday are...Ms. Hernandez's homeroom will switch to Drama and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's class will switch to technology. Gym will remain on the same days.

*Homework: Thank you for instilling good homework rituals with your child at home! Remember to log those reading minutes! Please remember to only do the assigned Math pages for each evening. Math homework is to only practice the skill taught that DAY and to show you what they learned. If they get behind, of course there will be a need to do multiple pages in an evening. However, for students to complete all of the homework the first night that it's sent home does not strengthen their Math capability. By your child completing one page of review nightly, they are retrieving the information from that day and applying it. If they are able to explain to you what they have done, if they can teach you...even better!

*Conferences: A Slyreply will be sent out this weekend for you to sign up for a conference time. We look forward to chatting about your child/children!

*Library information...look below!!!

Thank you for entrusting your child/children to us daily! We are thoroughly enjoying watching them grow academically, socially and emotionally!

With gratitude,

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty

Library Information


Some kiddos forgot to bring back their library books today. Here is a message from our librarian, Rachael Nadler.

Hey Parents! Are you curious about what book your child has checked out? Go to lion.dpsk12.org and click ‘Login.’ Type in your child’s last name and student ID (lunch number). Not only can you see what book they checked out, but you can access many free databases at home!  

Our classes will be going to the library to check out books every other Monday, so the next library date is October 10th.

Thanks so much for helping your kiddos to keep track of their items. 

Ms. Hernandez
What's Up for the week of September 26th...

The first day of fall is here and the chill was definitely in the air this morning. Today was also Kindness Day where the kids talked about and wrote down little things they could do each day to show kindness whether at home, school, or out and about. It was refreshing to hear their ideas and we hope they will continue to carry out random acts of kindness. Check out the following link that was shown to students that showcases random acts of kindness by a young woman...20 random acts of kindness

--Please make sure you check your child's backpack for their Thursday folder. Inside you will find a sight word packet with a letter stating that your child was assessed at the beginning of the year on sight words along with the list of words to cut apart and use as flash card practice. 
They also received two issues of the Scholastic News. This is intended for your kiddo to keep at home and read. Please check the Reading tab for more information on Sight Words and Scholastic News information. 

--Ms. Hernandez is looking for a homeroom classroom volunteer for stuffing Thursday folders. Email her if you are interested. Spot has been filled. 

--Library books for BOTH classes are due on Monday in order to check out another.

--Fall conferences will begin in October. We will be sending a Slyreply out to sign up for a time to meet with both Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. B. We look forward to talking with you about your child's first part of the school year!

--Mrs. Bryan-Doherty will be sending out two Slyreplys this weekend...one for weekends with our classroom hamster, Mr. Nibbles and one for Math volunteers. Details will be in the Slyreply. Thanks!!

--We would like to welcome Molly McMorrow as our paraprofessional. She will be splitting her time between our two classes. Huge thank you to the PTA for making it possible to have the extra help in our classrooms! Here is a little bio about her.

Molly was raised in Thorndike, Maine. After attending college at Western Michigan University, she found herself in Denver and has been here for nearly 10 years. Molly spent three years at Aurora Public Schools as a Community Coordinator at Lansing Elementary School. 

She enjoys traveling and spending time with her husband and two boys, Olen and Cade. 
Have a great weekend!!
Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty

What's Up for Next Week...

It's hard to believe we are closing in on the 4th week of school. The kiddos are working hard and learning how to be independent learners and thinkers. They are also learning how to collaborate with their peers and learn from them without just asking for the answer. 

Some reminders for the upcoming week...

Specials for next week: Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's class will stay with  Drama and P.E. still on Thursdays and Ms. Hernandez's class will stay with Music and P.E. still on Fridays.
Please send a snack and water bottle with your kiddo everyday. Headaches often happen from a lack of water. If your child wants to bring their water bottle home every night that is fine. Otherwise, they will be sent home on Friday.

Remember that Fridays are Spirit wear day!! Have your child wear their WCE gear with pride!

Please check out the Reading, Writing, Math and Science tabs for more content updates and what kiddos are doing in the classroom.

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty

What's Up for Next Week...

What a fantastic week 3 we have had with your children! We are so impressed with their ability to increase their stamina to work independently, organize their materials, and respecting their classroom and each other. Morning meetings have been a time to get to know one another and celebrate our classroom communities:) We hope that your child/children are exercising their knowledge of the growth mindset at home and teaching you how we can ALL train our brains:)

Important information for next week:

* Specials change on Monday: Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's class will switch to Drama with P.E. still on Thursdays and Ms. Hernandez's class will switch to Music with P.E. still on Fridays.

* Picture Day is SEPTEMBER 13th! If you have not returned a form, please email your child's homeroom teacher and we can send another one home.

* All About Me bag: If your child has not returned their bag to school to share with their classmates, there is still time. We will be accepting bags until next Friday:)

* Book it to the CREEK: Keep reading!! The wrap-up celebration is September 30th. More information to come!

*If you would like to watch some fun videos on Growth Mindset... check out the following website https://ideas.classdojo.com/i/growth-mindset-1

Please check the Reading, Writing, Math and Science tabs for more content information.

Have a great weekend! Please contact us if you have any questions!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Classroom Update September 1-8


What a pleasure it was to see so many of you at Back to School Night last night. If you were unable to attend just know you can find all pertinent classroom information here on our blog. 

Please check your child's backpack for their Thursday folder and homework we talked about last night. Your child needs to write his or her own name on the homework calendar and then you can help keep track of the minutes they read. Folders and homework return next Thursday with your child.

Remember, 20+ minutes of reading each day and that includes any and all environmental print, you reading to your child, your child reading to you, siblings reading to your child, your child reading to the family dog--you get the idea. We just want them to read, read, read and enjoy reading! 

**No school on Monday--enjoy the extra time with your kiddos!

Have a great weekend,

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. B