Classroom Update for week of November 9th

Hello Everyone!

Wow! What a week! I don't know if it's been the candy, the weather or the time change but the classroom and school have been lively:)  

We have been working very hard this week on being respectful of our peers. Turning and listening to them when they talk and giving positive feedback. It's important to student's learning to be able to do this not just because it's respectful but students will be learning to engage in "academic talk" throughout the year. Academic talk will be used during partner and small group work in Math to take their learning beyond the presented question/problem. We are making sure that their bodies are facing the speaker, eyes on the speaker and ears listening for thing that they could respond to. 

Our Personal Success Factor for the month is GRATITUDE:) We will talking in the classroom about how we can show gratitude to classmates, parents, family, friends and others. 

We will be starting our platooning schedule on Monday:) Here it is...

9:00-9:15 Morning Meeting
9:15-9:30 Number Talk
9:30-9:45 Whole group Math lesson
9:45-10:00 work on problem set with a partner or on own
10:00-10:35 Math games/iPads (Mrs. B. pulls small groups)
10:35-10:45 Math wrap-up and share out
10:45-11:35 Specials
11:35-11:55 Recess
11:55-12:20 Lunch
12:20-1:00 Science/Social Studies
1:05-1:45 Reader's Workshop
1:45-2:00 2nd recess
2:00-2:45 Reader's Workshop/OG (Orton Gillingham)
2:45-3:30 Writer's Workshop
3:45 Dismissal in the same spot outside:)

If you have any questions about the schedule. let me know!

I will continue to send you weekly updates via the blog. If there is anything from Ms. Hernandez, I will include it. 

Here is all you need to know for next week..


Monday: B Day (Technology)
Tuesday: C Day (Drama)\
Wednesday: D Day (Gym)
Thursday: E Day (Music)
Friday: A Day (Art)

1. Drum roll please! You all donated 102 pairs of socks for the homeless!! That's amazing! The kiddos were so excited. I have gotten in touch with a shelter and will deliver the socks. I will make sure to get a picture handing them off (if possible) so the kiddos can see where they ended up. Thanks again! This was very powerful for the students to be a part of:)   I will miss our sock bin!

2. Conferences will commence next week. If you have not signed up, here is the link to the Slyreply...
3. Buy your tickets now for our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon in the WCE Cafeteria on November 20, 2015.  

Tickets go on sale November 4th and must be purchased in advance at the WCE Front Desk.  Tickets will be available on a first come first served basis. No tickets will be sold in the cafeteria.

Adults $5.00 each (250 available) 
Children/Siblings $3.00 each (50 available)
4. For Veteran's Day we will be writing letters to 6 Veteran's who are family of students in our class. We want to show our GRATITUDE to these people. The students are VERY excited to begin their letters tomorrow and are hoping for letters to be written back:)

I think that is all! I will let you know if anything else comes up! Thanks so much!
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty


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