Hello Parents!
Well, we are almost to Thanksgiving break:) I know that I am very thankful for the amazing students and families I have the pleasure of knowing this year. I look forward to the adventures to come and seeing how far these kiddos will go academically, socially and emotionally. Just a reminder, my reconstruction surgery is set for December 8th. My last day will be December 4th and I will return on January 20th. I am going to miss the students and the normal day to day happenings of the classroom, the hugs, but I am very anxious to get this final step of the process completed and move on:) I appreciate all of the support that I have received. You have no idea how much it truly means. I believe in each and every one of these kiddos and want them to believe in themselves. They have the ability, strength, humor, wisdom and courage to go far and I look forward to seeing how far they will go. I will be in contact through email if you should need anything. As of right now, Ms. Lowenburg is still set to return to cover for me. The SAME structures and expectations that I have set up in the classroom will stay in place while I am gone. The students have made great strides; working independently, doing their best work and being proud of themselves. I am PROUD of them:)
Here is every thing you need to know for the week we return from break...
NO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 23rd- 27th (thanksgiving break)
Specials for November 30th-December 4th
Monday: A Day (Art)
Tuesday: B Day (Technology)
Wednesday: C Day (Drama)
Thursday: D Day (Gym)
Friday: E Day (Music)
1. Thanksgiving Lunch is tomorrow! Our lunch time is 11:30-12:00. We will have recess directly after lunch. Please check in at the office and then meet the students outside the lunchroom.
2. Original Works Orders due Nov. 29
Order forms were sent home with most students last week and more will be coming home this week. These make great holiday gifts so don't forget to place your order! Additional information about Original Works can be found here: http://westerlycreekpta.com/original-works/
Contact Ms. Erin with any questions
3. We are currently studying maps in our Geography unit. If you have any type of map at home, please send them to the classroom to be studied and compared with other maps. Thank you!!
4. Math homework will be gin to go home on Thursday December 3rd. It will be a quick review of what the kiddos did that day. Ms. Hernandez and I will make a calendar that will reflect her Literacy homework and my Math homework and what to complete each evening. The goal is that the nightly homework consist of 5-10 minutes of Math, 10 minutes of handwriting and 20 minutes of reading (you reading to your child or your child reading to you). We want the students to get used to getting into the pattern of being responsible for getting their homework done, keeping it in a safe place at home and getting it back to school. Frontrow can be OPTIONAL for students to do at home:)
Ms. Lowenburg will continue to update the blog while I am gone:)
Thanks for everything! Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!!
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty