Hello Everyone!
Here is what is happening in our classroom and at Westerly Creek this week...
Monday: E Day (Music)
Tuesday: A Day (Art)
Wednesday: B Day (Technology)
Thursday: C Day (Drama)
Friday: D Day (PE)
Things to know:
1. PLEASE remember to send a water bottle with your child on Monday!
2. PLEASE remember to send a snack everyday with your child:)
3. Scholastic Book Fair starts this week! It is located under the stairwell south of the cafeteria. There is an amazing amount of wonderful books! The book fair runs from 8:30-5:30 and will end on Friday:)
4. Food Drive: The food drive will go on all week. 1st grade is responsible for bringing canned fruit. Please send these items with your kiddo to school and I will have a bin to collect them in. These food items go to support families in need at our very own school, so it's very important! These items will be put into backpacks for kiddos to take home for their families for the weekend. Thank you so much for your help!!
5. Socktober is here! The students and I have watched some videos made by a kiddo named Kid President several times. He is a very energetic, charismatic and thoughtful young man:) He has declared October as "Socktober" and is asking people to collect new pairs of socks to be donated to homeless shelters. These socks will help people in need as they head into the cold winter months. I am bringing this idea to Westerly Creek school as a whole this week but was hoping to have our class start to be the example:) Please send in as many NEW pairs of socks that you can this week and we will start our collection. I will be presenting this idea to the staff during our Tuesday meeting. Thanks so much! I will be showing the following video the kiddos and the staff. Here is the link if you would like to look at it. http://soulpancake.com/socktober/
6.Now that I've had a full week with the kiddos, I will be sending a progress report home with your kiddo on Friday. Just to give you an idea of "where they are" and "how they are doing". Formal conferences will be in November.
7. Math this week: We will be working on fact fluency and what strategies can be used to help memorize these facts and know them in a "snap". We will start having an addition Mad Minute quiz every Friday to see how many facts kiddos can get in 2 minutes! Starting this Friday, I will send each kiddo's facts home to practice. Your child can make their own flashcards at home using index cards to practice:) At the end of the week we will begin to look at the relationship between addition and subtraction and how three numbers make up a "fact family" (3+5=8, 5+3=8, 8-5=3, 8-3=5).
8. Reader's Workshop this week: We will be working on making predictions and how this helps us as reader's to comprehend the text more deeply. We will also be practicing retelling and what makes a complete retell (beginning, middle and end).
9. Writer's Workshop this week: We will spend time looking at the writing of published authors and what their "craft moves" are. How could their style of writing influence our own writing?
10. Animal habitats: We have some new animals in the classroom:) We have fish tanks on each table group, ant farms on the counter and a pill bug farm. These are all a part of our "animals and their habitats" unit for Science. We will be studying animal habitats with these animals, as well as, others. The fish (as usual) have had a tough time making the transition;) I have gotten new fish at Petsmart. The kiddos and I talked about this before we even got them!
Have an awesome week! If you have any questions, please email me or catch me after school! Thanks so much! Thank you so much for all of the wonderfully supportive and sweet emails regarding my husband. He is much better and we enjoyed a much needed quiet weekend celebrating our Lily's 1st birthday:)
Mrs. B.
Sunday, October 04, 2015
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