Just a reminder that report cards came home today so make sure to check those backpacks.
There are many concepts and skills your child learns and the information you see on the report card can seem quite confusing.
BEL-Below level ATL-At level ABL-Above level
GL-1st grade level content
Below you will find the learning standards, with an examples of what each looks like, that are taught in 1st grade English/Language Arts.
Not all standards are taught at once and, at this time of year, students are not expected to master some standards. To see more about the standards and access the 1st grade math standards you can click on the link CCSS ELA/Mathematics.
WCE Galaxy Gala
It's that time of year to start thinking about our biggest fundraiser of the year, THE AUCTION! You do not want to miss a fun night hanging out with your child's teachers! We are pretty crazy, just in case your child hasn't already told you. Hah!
Get your early bird tickets here WCE Galaxy Gala.
If you signed up to bring an item for the 1st grade auction basket, feel free to bring those items in any time. You can also give a monetary donation. Just make sure to put it in an envelope marked for the auction. We can't thank you enough!!
Warm regards,
Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty
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