Update for January 2018

Hello Families!

Our apologies for not keeping up on our blog lately. Please note that we will update only with pertinent classroom information as needed in order  to not bog you down with duplicate school information. 

Field Trip on Monday, January 29

1st grade is heading to the Museum of Nature and Science as part of a solar system unit.  We will leave around 9:15 and return to school by 2:00 (exact times TBA).  We will definitely need lots of chaperones!  PLEASE REACH OUT TO YOUR HOMEROOM TEACHER IF YOU ARE ABLE TO CHAPERONE!  THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR STUDENTS OR CHAPERONES, thanks to a scholarship we received from Lockheed Martin after having the Museum come to our classroom to learn about how animals use their senses.  

Remember that chaperones are responsible for a small group of students; therefore, no siblings are allowed.  

Students will need a sack lunch, snack, and drink. Notify your classroom teacher if your child will need a lunch ordered from the lunchroom. 

Friday, February 2nd - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
This is a professional development day for teachers.  

A HUGE thank you to our fabulous administrative team who purchased cubbies for 1st grade. And, an even bigger shout out to our DPS construction guys who custom-made and installed them. We are hopeful that this new system (where each student has his/her own cubby) will limit the number of lost items as well as those pesky little head bugs! Please help us on our ends, as well as your kiddos', and make sure your child's winter gear is labeled with his/her names. With 27 students, we don't have the time to keep track of each student's items (double the kids with both classes!). 

STEAM Club!  

Permission Slips Due Wednesday, February 7  
Club Begins Wednesday, February 14

If your student wants to experiment and learn more about science, technology, engineering, art, and math then STEAM Club is for you!
Your student doesn’t have to be an expert in STEAM–he or she only needs to be curious about STEAM to join.
Any student from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade is welcome to join!
Due to limited space, the first 5 students from each grade level to turn in their permission slip will have priority in joining, so turn in your permission slip A.S.A.P.
The permission slip deadline is Wednesday, February 7, 2018. Please bring the permission slip directly to Mr. Binder in the Technology Lab. 
STEAM Club will meet every Wednesday from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM starting on February 14, 2018. We will begin meeting in the Technology Lab and move rooms based on activities. 
We will be creating slime, making paper helicopter propellers, putting together 3D puzzles, making scent boxes, and much, MUCH more!
This is a FUN and EXCITING way to learn more about STEAM and make friends with students from every grade level!
We will have a STEAM showcase toward the end of the year to share our favorite projects with the school, family, and friends!
Please email or call Mr. Binder with any questions!
kendall_binder@dpsk12.org  ⬥ 720-424-3208

Many, many thanks for your generosity and kindness with the gifts, cards, goodies, and more over the holiday season. We are lucky to be part of such a wonderful and caring community. 

Warm regards,

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty


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