Classroom Update for the week of January 17th

Happy New Year! What a busy week back at school! We worked on students reviewing the rituals and routines and they did a great job at jumping right back in to the student role. We will continue to implement the clip chart (individual incentive), table points (small group incentive) and the compliment jar (whole class incentive). These behavior systems allow for students to track their own behavior, as well as, work with other students to earn class rewards together. We are quite impressed with how the students were able to remember the expectations and are proud of their hard work for the first week back!

We would to thank all of you for the generous Holiday gifts that were bestowed upon us. Your thoughtfulness and sweet cards just really make us feel loved. We truly appreciate it!

Our Personal Success Factor (PSF) for the month of January is optimism! The students reflected and wrote about what they could accomplish in 2017 by having OPTIMISM!

Here are some reminders for this coming week...

1. NO SCHOOL on Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

2. Museum of Nature and Science field trip is Friday January 27th. Please send in $5.00 with your child along with the permission slip that was sent home this week. If you did not receive a permission slip, please email your child's homeroom teacher.

3. We need CHAPERONES!! If you are interested in accompanying your child's class to the museum, please email Mrs. Bryan-Doherty or Ms. Hernandez. Thank you!! The more chaperones, the smaller the groups:)

4. Specials Switch on January 17th: (gym days stay the same)
         Mrs. Bryan-Doherty: Technology
    Ms. Hernandez: Drama

Have a wonderful MLK Day and a great week! Please let us know if you have any questions!

With Gratitude,
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez


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