Classroom Update for August 22-26

Hi Families!

We have almost made it through the first week of school! WHEW! 
What a busy week it's been getting to know your kiddos and teaching them the rituals and routines of first grade. We must say they have come in well-prepared from kindergarten, and when we did our first Turn and Talk they knew what to do! 

We begin every morning in our homerooms with a morning meeting and greeting each other. Not only does this help us to learn who our classmates are, it helps us establish a caring community of learners by talking about our Personal Success Factors (PSF), what we can do as learners to overcome obstacles, and just talking with one another before our busy day begins. 

This month's PSF is Growth Mindset. If you aren't familiar with what Growth Mindset is, ask your children. They can tell you all about it! You can also click the link at the top of our blog under Character Education to find out more. 

Some important reminders:
Back to School Night--Wednesday, August 31st at 5, 6, and 7 PM, on the hour. 
Picture Day--September 13th
Every Friday--Spirit Day, Wear your WCE spirit wear!

Ms. Hernandez's Homeroom--Tennis shoes needed EVERY Friday for P.E.

That just about covers it. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us! 

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. B


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