Take a look at what's happening in our classroom!
Our sweet potato plants have been "planted". Last year's tallest plant vine was almost 6 feet long! |
My daughter visited one afternoon:) |
How could we NOT watch the Broncos Super Bowl Parade? :) |
Here is all you need to know for the upcoming week!
Specials Schedule:
Monday: NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
Tuesday: C Day (Drama)
Wednesday: D Day (Gym)
Thursday: E Day (Music)
Friday: A Day (Art)
Please remember to send a water bottle every MONDAY and a snack EVERYDAY. Thank you!
1. Jump Rope for Heart information was sent home. If your kiddo has anything to turn into Ms. Katie they may do so before school, after school or during our gym specials time.
2. Our first field trip is Wednesday, February 17th. We will be leaving school right at 9:15. PLEASE remember to send a lunch with your child that day, unless you ordered one from the lunchroom. We will be returning to school at 1:30:)
3. Animal Research Projects: Each year we do a research project that encompasses Literacy, Science and all the specials. Students have chosen their animals and have begun doing research during Science in my classroom. They are learning where to find research and how to record it in their journals. Each student will be completing a research report in Ms. Hernandez's class, as well as, a diorama during Science class. All of these items will be done at school, however, if possible students can look for research on their animal at home and bring it to school (i.e. google, book, magazine, etc.). Students will be making animal masks in Art, animal movements in Drama, research during technology, animal songs during Music and animal movements during Gym. ALL of these things will come together on March 17th for the 1st grade musical. Before and after the musical, parents can visit the classroom and see their child's research report and diorama. Going to be amazing!
4. 100th Day: Our 100th Day is technically Wednesday February 17th but we will be gone on the field trip. Therefore, we are celebrating on Friday February 19th throughout the day. I will be sending out another Slyreply for a few items that we could use for projects, if possible. Thank you!!
5.Social Studies/Science: For the next few weeks we will be using this time to collect and record animal research. We will be using some apps on the iPads, books and magazines.
6. Math: We have been practicing the application of comparison symbols (<, >, and =) to compare two-digit numbers; some groups have gone into the thousands. We've really been "studying" what makes a number greater, for example, " I know that 76 is greater than 67 because 76 has 7 groups of ten (70) in the tens place and 67 has only 6 groups of ten (60) in the tens place". We are working on not simply memorizing which way to put the symbol but WHY are we choosing that symbol.
If anything else comes up I will let y'all know!!! Have a wonderful weekend and Valentine's Day!
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty
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