Classroom Update for the Week of October 19-25

Hello Families!

Here are a few things you need to know. 
Tomorrow is our field trip to see the performance The Snowy Day at the DCPA. We will be out of the building from 10:30 until about 2:00. Because the performance cuts right through our lunch time and there is no place for us to lunch there, the kids will eat a little bit before the the field trip and then they will finish upon their return. 
Please make sure to send a hearty lunch, snack, and drink. If you requested a lunch from the lunchroom, indicated on the permission slip, those kiddos will pick up their lunch in the morning. 
Kids should not bring anything extra on the field trip such as hats, sunglasses, toys, and whatnot. 

Thursday folders went home today. Folders should be kept at home until the following Thursday. Please keep in mind that we do grade on turning in homework/completing assignments in a timely manner on report cards. We do our best to remind kids to turn them in on Thursday morning before they enter the class and again when they are unpacking, but if a child forgets we will not go into individual backpacks to get folders/homework. 

Conferences are coming up! Click on the link to sign up for a time to meet with your child's teachers. Conferences are scheduled Wednesday, November 1 and Friday, November 3. Time slots are every 15 minutes. As much as we love to chat about your kiddo, we must adhere to this timeframe in order to meet with all families. If the conference seems as though we may need more time, we will reschedule for another day. This is for parents only--no students or siblings, please!

Conference Signup

Halloween is just around the corner and we love to celebrate at WCE! The parade will begin at 2:30 and parties will begin after. Kids need to bring their costumes to school. They must be able to walk in them and see where they are going safely if they have a mask. Violent and overly scary costumes will not be permitted. More information will be posted next week.

Dates to remember:
Picture Retakes--October 24
No School--October 26-27
Halloween Parade and Party--October 31 2:30 PM
Conferences--November 1st and 3rd
No School--November 3

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty

Classroom Updates for week of October 16th

Hello! Here are all of the important things to know...

1. Field Trip: Our first field trip is this Friday October 20th to the Performing Arts Complex. If you have not sent in the permission slip and $10... PLEASE do so by Wednesday October 18th. The money must be turned in before Friday. A separate email will be sent this week with the field trip details. Thank you!

2. Fall Conferences: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty will be holding conferences on Friday, November 3rd. We will be sending a Slyreply to sign up this week.

3. Halloween: Please watch your email for a Slyreply link to sign up for snacks/volunteering options for the class parties. We will update the blog with specific times for the parade and parties when we know that information.

4. Specials: Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's homeroom continues with Technology with Gym on Thursday.
                    Ms. Hernandez's homeroom continues with Drama with Gym on Friday.

5. NO SCHOOL on October 26th and 27th (Teacher Planning Days)

6. Please check the content tabs (Math, Reading, Writing and Social Studies) for further updates.

Have a wonderful week and please reach out with any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Field Day, October 6, 2017

We had a great time on Field Day and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!

Classroom Update for October 5-11

Hello Families!
Here are a few things you need to know. 

Permission slips went home for our upcoming field trip to see The Snowy Day at the DCPA on October 20th. Please make sure all permission slips and money are turned in by the 18th. If your child needs a lunch from the cafeteria then we need that slip even sooner. 
Chaperone spots are limited so we will take names and then draw chaperones from there. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on November 3rd. We will be creating a sign-up in the next week or so for you to reserve a spot. Please keep in mind with over 50 families we have to meet with, our time is limited to 15 minutes per conference. If there are other matters that take it over that time, we will schedule another meeting at a later date. 

Many, many thanks to those who have sent in your donations to our Food Drive. So many families benefit greatly from your generosity!

Love Your Library Day | OCT. 22The WCE Library needs some love and we need parent volunteers to assist (sorry, no kiddos at this event)!  Sign up here to help out!

Join us from 1-5 PM on Sunday, Oct. 22  for 

  • Food
  • Book Organizing
  • Music 
  • Reshelving
  • Cleaning 
  • Beautifying

We can't thank you enough for dropping off and picking up your kiddos on the blacktop! This alleviates so much congestion in our hallways and, often, we are teaching up to the bell. So, THANK YOU!

We will be posting Field Day pictures later this evening. Hope to see you there!

Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty