Classroom Update for the week of April 24th...

Dear Families,
Well, here we go:) The end of the school year is a busy time!  We will do our best to keep you up to speed on all of the important dates so nothing is a surprise. Below are the important dates/events that are coming up...these can be subject to change, so please check back to the blog regularly!
Saturday, April 28 - Westerly Creek Auction
Monday, May 8 - Denver Zoo Field Trip
Friday, May 12 - Spelling Bee (not all students participate-see note below)
​Friday, May 19 - Field Day (more information to come)
Tentative:  (Thursday, May 25, 4-7 - 1st grade Open House/student-led conferences)
Friday, May 26 - Final Creek Kid Assembly (for April & May Creek Kids)
Friday, May 26 @ 3:15 - Summer Birthdays Celebration
Monday, May 29 - NO SCHOOL for Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31 (all day) - 1st Grade Picnic at Central Park
Friday, June 2 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (dismissal at 12:45)

Spelling Bee:
Each homeroom class participated in "try outs."  The 4 finalists from each class will participate in the 1st grade WCE Spelling Bee on May 12. The start time of the Spelling Bee is TBD and we will let y'all know!

CLEVER/iReady...for fantastic online practice:  
Follow the instructions below and the program will assign your child "just right" kid-friendly math and reading lessons based on their recent diagnostics test. This is such a wonderful resource Westerly Creek is providing! As always, please let us know if you have any questions.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Log In"
  3. Click "Student"
  4. User ID: your child's student ID number (same as lunch number)
  5. Password: your child's birth date. If your child has a Jan-Sept birthday you will need to put a "zero" at the front of their birth date. Example, January 13, 2009 would be entered at 01132009
Thank you all for your continued support at home!!

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez

Classroom News for the week of April 9th...

Hello Wonderful 1st Grade Parents!

We hope you all had a fantastic Spring Break! Your child's teachers were able to get some rest and relaxation and prepare for the last part of the school year. We will continue to do our best to keep you up to date, via the blog and email, with everything you need to know. The end of the year can be very action packed and please reach out to use if you are unclear about anything!

Here is all you need to know for next week...

* Specials stay the same next week.

* Auction Tickets!
    • Date: April 29, 2017
    • Place: The Hangar at Stanley Marketplace
    • Early bird tickets ($40/person) are now on sale for the SOAR Soiree and Auction. Purchase yours today here. Buy now and look forward to a date night this spring! The SOAR Soiree will be a first-class evening with friends, heavy appetizers, complimentary beverages and a wide variety of exciting auction items.
* New PSF (Personal Success Factor for the month of April is GRIT!!  Students have been reflecting on how they show grit in the classroom and other areas of life:)

* Field Trip: We will be going to the Denver Zoo on May 8th from 9-2. We will need as many chaperones as possible. The smaller the groups...the better:) There will be a permission slip coming home in your child's Thursday folder today. Please fill it out and return with $6.00 by April 28th. We will be sending a separate email regarding chaperone sign ups.

* NO CREE KID ASSEMBLY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. Kiddos that were March CREEK kids will be honored at the May assembly. This is due to testing. Thank you!

* Parent Engagement Night| April 20th| 6:00-6:45 | Library

A representative from Young Americans Bank will talk with the WCE community about financial responsibility, budgeting, saving, and more.  Young Americans Bank will also share some of the programs, opportunities, and products that they offer children.  The program is geared towards K-5 children so they are encouraged to attend along with a parent/guardian. Pizza & Childcare will be provided.
* A note from MS. Corcoran....
Dear Westerly Creek Families,

Recently our team of teachers that include our School Leadership Team began the important work of aligning our school-wide systems to address negative behavior.  An outcome of our conversations was, updated and aligned refocus forms for grades ECE, K-2, and 3-5. 
As part of our process to address behavior, all Westerly Creek teachers and staff members use evidence-based best practice to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To support students’ ability to maintain focus, we do the following when teaching academics and behavior:
    •      Consistently teach and refer to our school-wide expectations and personal success factors.
    •      Provide students with more praise than correction.
    •      Talk to students with respect using positive tone of voice.
    •      Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.
    •      Use prompting, redirecting, and positive reinforcement.
    •      Provide positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.
WCE also follows a school-wide system for consequences outlined below:
  • Disruptive Rule Break #1=Documented Warning
  • Disruptive Rule Break #2=Documented Warning
  • Disruptive Rule Break #3= 1st Refocus Form
When 1st refocus form is given, student and student families discuss course of action to fix behavior.
  • Disruptive Rule Break #4=2nd Refocus Form
  • Disruptive Rule Break #5=3rd Refocus Form
  • Disruptive Rule Break #6= Formal Meeting with student, family, teacher and admin.
If you have questions about WCE’s Positive Behavior Support System, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or administrator. We look forward to a wonderful year of teaching your child and developing a strong relationship with families.
Warm Regards,
Jill Corcoran, Principal
Westerly Creek Elementary School
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. Thank you!
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and  Ms. Hernandez