Classroom Update for week of November 21st

Happy Thanksgiving!! And it's snowing!! Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL next week. We will resume on Monday, November 28th. Report cards will come home today:) Please remember that a student receiving a 2 at the beginning of the year is showing that they can do the 1st grade work but still need some help from their teacher. For comments from Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Bryan-Doherty refer to the form that was given to you at conference time. Please see below for a visual about the 1,2,3,4 grading system:)

*Students have been adding to our "Wall of Gratitude" this month. Stop by and check it out!!

* Thank you, thank you for your generosity with the items for the Smith Elementary Thanksgiving baskets. The families appreciate it so very much!!

*NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK!!!! (something to be grateful for)

*Please return your child's field trip slip and $12.00 by Friday, November 18th. If not able to bring it
by tomorrow, please return on Monday after the break.
**We do not need any chaperones for this trip nor can parents meet us there. There will be more opportunities later this year for chaperones. Thanks for understanding.

* Winter Break opportunity for students:
Camp Explore - Winter Enrichment (Dec 22 & Dec 23)
Looking for something for your child to do on those two days after break begins in December? Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Bateman will be hosting two days of Camp Explore Winter Enrichment on Thursday, December 22 and Friday, December 23 from 9am-3pm each day. We will be exploring math, reading, and a fun science topic!!! Cost is $120 per day. Please sign-up below if interested. We will accept only 15 students each day.

*Author Visit

Joan Arent, a local author, is coming to visit our ECE-1st graders on December 9th.  Joan will teach not only what it takes to be an author and illustrator but also what it takes to have proactive problem solving skills to overcome life's challenges with her newest book, "Slumps, Bumps, and Triumphs." You can find out more and preorder her books through

1: Below Expectations (I am just starting out. I need the teacher right by my side.)

2: Sometimes Meets Expectations (I am grasping some concepts, but I still need the teacher close by.)
3: Meets Expectations: (I can completely master the standard independently!)
4: Exceeds Expectations: (I met grade level expectations and I am on to new scenery.)

Have a wonderful break!!!

With Gratitude,

Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez
Weekly Update for the week of November 14th:

Students have been focusing on "gratitude" as the PSF(Personal Success Factor) for the month of November. They have been engaging in classroom discussions on what having gratitude means, what they are grateful for, and how they can show gratitude. In Social Studies they wrote letters to Mrs. Bryan-Doherty's uncle who is an Army veteran. They are very special letters! We appreciate students reflecting daily on how they can show gratitude to their classmates, teachers, friends, lunch staff, custodial staff and more!

Here are a few reminders for the upcoming week...

1. 1st grade will be taking a field trip to the Arvada Center on Wednesday, December 7. Please see the permission slip in your child's Thursday folder.  To cover the ticket price, we must ask families to contribute $12 per student.  Due to limited seat availability in the theater, we will not be able to take extra chaperones on this trip.

2. Specials change on Monday: Ms. Hernandez's class switches to Art and Mrs. B's class switches to Music. Gym day remains the same!

3. If you have any maps at home...please send them to school for Geography. They will be put to good use!!

4. NO SCHOOL November 21st-25th Thanksgiving break

5. Thanksgiving lunch at school is November 16th. Tickets on sale in the office!! 1st grade Thanksgiving lunch time is from 11:30-12:00.

With Gratitude,
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez