Classroom Update for Week of May 23rd

Pictures from our classroom!!

Field Day 2016!!!

Students observing the rise and fall of the liquid in a thermometer using ice water and hot water

Students sharing out during morning meeting:) The microphone is a big hit!


Releasing our butterflies! They didn't want to go;)

Our Spelling Bee masters!! They did awesome!!

Mother's Day Tea:)

Note: I will be putting ALL of the photos from the school year on a CD for the kiddos:)

Well, here we are! 9 1/2 days of school left! Wow! There is a lot going on the last couple of weeks of school. I'm going to get right to it so you can get everything in your calendars...

Specials Schedule next week:
Monday: E Day (Music)
Tuesday: A Day (Art)
Wednesday: B Day (Technology)
Thursday: C Day (Drama)
Friday: D Day (Gym)

Note: I will be out on Wednesday May 25th for my pre-op appointment for my upcoming surgery and an oncologist appointment. I apologize for having to miss a day the week before school gets out, but I don't have a choice. Mrs. Gilchrist will in for me:)

1. Student-Led Conferences: Thursday May 26th 4:15-6:15 in the classroom. Students will guide you through pieces of work and assessments from Math, Reading, Writing and Science. There is not a one-on-one with me but I will be there if you have any questions. There will be pieces of work for you to take home and handouts with suggestions for summer work. This is a great time for the students to really take control and show you what they have learned:) If you are unable to make it Thursday evening, let me know and we can schedule another time.

2. Book it to the CREEK: Materials went home this week for the summer reading program. Please let me know if you did not receive these and I will send a new one home. PLEASE SIGN THE ORANGE SLIP AND SEND BACK TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR KIDDO BY MAY 27th!!

3. Denver Museum of Nature and Science field trip is June 1st. There was a permission slip sent home today.

  • Depart - 9:15
  • 3-D Robots IMAX - 11:30 to 12:15
  • Return - 2:00 (we will leave the museum at 1:30)

  • WE STILL NEED CHAPERONES! Right now we have the following parents
                     * Chad Dreier
                     * Matt Deye
                     * Sarah Nett-Barth
    With 3 parents and myself, that makes the groups at 6 kiddos each. I prefer to have smaller groups in a large place. If you are able to chaperone, PLEASE email me! Thanks!! 

    4. Central Park trip: We will go to the park to hang out and play, have lunch and enjoy each others company on June 2nd from 11:45-3:00. If you would like to...come on by! If you have a wagon that we could use to haul our stuff, please let me know. Thanks!!

    5.  NO SCHOOL Monday May 30th. Memorial Day

    6. Last Day of school is June 3rd. It is a half-day with dismissal being at 12:45.

    7. I will send a reminder email for students to bring a backpack on Tuesday May 31st . We will be cleaning out desks and students will be bringing all of their treasures home:)

    8. Math: Students worked diligently the last week to complete their end of the year Math assessment. We have doing review of concepts learned during the year, dabbling in multiplication, and having free time with Math manipulatives:) I will continue to let the kiddos guide the small group instruction by letting me know what they feel they still need to work on and what they still want to know how to do:)

    9. Science: What fun we are having! We are learning about weather, tools meteorologists use,  observing weather, types of clouds and the weather cycle. Students are keeping a weather observation journal, charting weather patterns and learning about the different types of clouds. They will be doing two experiments to see how clouds hold water and how the water cycle works. We have done one experiment exploring the rise and fall of the liquid in a thermometer using ice water and hot water. Hope they share their knowledge with you!!

    I think this is all for now? If anything else comes up, I will let you know! Thanks!

    Mrs. Bryan-Doherty