Here is what you need to know for the upcoming week and beyond....
1. Thursday, April 12th 1st Grade Specials Showcase!!! 6:30-7:30 in the cafetorium :) Students need to arrive 15 minutes early!
2. Thursday, April 19th: Primary Variety Show 6:30-7:30pm
3. Friday, April 13th: Creek Kid Assembly for March Honorees 10-10:25am (teachers will reach out via email to let you know the kiddos who will be honored).
4. May 3: Jump Rope for Heart Movie Night! All Jump Rope for Heart participants may attend- 5:30-8pm with Ms. Katie at WCE
5. Student-Led conferences will be held the evening of Thursday, May 17th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. More information to follow.
6. May 31st: Last day of school for all students!!! This is a full day!
June 1st: First day of summer vacation
7. April's Personal Success factor is GRIT!!
We have grit at WCE because we persevere and have passion for our long term goals.
Consider defining the following terms with your student: persevere, passion, persistence, persist.
Westerly Creek Wolves do the following:
*We finish what we begin--even if it's hard!
*We stay committed to long term goals.
*We work hard always, even if we feel like quitting.
*We stick with projects for a few weeks until we get it right.
Consider defining the following terms with your student: persevere, passion, persistence, persist.
Westerly Creek Wolves do the following:
*We finish what we begin--even if it's hard!
*We stay committed to long term goals.
*We work hard always, even if we feel like quitting.
*We stick with projects for a few weeks until we get it right.
8. Summer Math Tutoring:
Ms. Burgett (2nd grade teacher) will also be holding math tutoring sessions over summer break. Each session will be 55 minutes long, one-on-one instruction and will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Please sign up below if you are interested!
9. Summer Literacy Tutoring with Mrs. Stromberg (2nd grade teacher)
Looking for some one-on-one literacy tutoring for your kiddo? I'm offering multiple sessions every Tuesday and Thursday throughout June and July. Please click on the link below to learn more and check out the schedule. Please feel free to share this information with other families as well! Thank you!
Well, hopefully this wasn't toooooo much information!! Please let us know if you have any questions!!
May the force be with us:)
Mrs. Bryan-Doherty and Ms. Hernandez
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